
Wild Eagle Attacks, Best Attacks Ever.

Video also shows the rare
view of a wild adult bald eagle flying into its nest with prey. It looks
like the prey is a rabbit. The prey in the eagle's talons can be seen.
It is very difficult to photograph a bald eagle arriving with prey. Both
adult white-headed parents are shown. The one with the prey lands in
the nest and the one perched in the tree, then also flies to the nest.
For a while both are in the nest and then one flies away. After this,
one screams loudly.

These are probably the parents of the young
eagles shown cavorting in the sky. This view was taken about a month
before the later one.

The video also likely shows an attack
because the prey rabbit/squirrel is probably alive in the eagle's talons
as it is flown in. The eagles are shown tearing it apart and killing it
in the nest.

The video also shows a bald eagle nest with
nestlings and two adult eagles at the same time, which is another
unusual view. Shows parents tear prey up for nestlings. Shows several
vocalizations and screams. One eagle watches as the other comes in and

A very brave oriole attacked the eagle that was perched
over the nest. Its flashy orange color showed up and its musical call
can be heard several times as can the eagles vocalization."


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